Ubuntu vs CentOS

May 05, 2022

Ubuntu vs CentOS: Which One Should You Choose for Your Next Development Project?

As a software developer, you know that choosing the right operating system is vital for the success of your project. In this article, we'll compare Ubuntu and CentOS, two popular Linux distributions, and help you decide which one is the best fit for your needs. Let's dive in!


First up is Ubuntu, which is often the go-to choice for developers due to its user-friendly interface and vast library of software packages. Ubuntu is based on Debian and is known for its stability and security, making it an excellent option for web and application servers.

Key Features

Here are some of the key features that make Ubuntu stand out:

  • Ease of Use: Ubuntu has a user-friendly interface and is easy to set up, even for those new to Linux.
  • Package Manager: Ubuntu's package manager, apt, makes it simple to install and manage software packages.
  • Community Support: With a dedicated community of users and developers, Ubuntu has an active support system.
  • Developer Tools: Ubuntu comes pre-installed with a variety of programming languages, including Python, Ruby, and Java.


According to W3Techs, as of April 2022, Ubuntu is the most widely used Linux distribution on web servers, with a market share of 39%. The popularity of Ubuntu among developers shows that it is a reliable and secure option for software development.


Next, we have CentOS, which is notable for its stability and reliability, making it a popular choice for servers. CentOS is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and is often used in enterprise environments.

Key Features

Here are some of the key features of CentOS:

  • Stability: CentOS is known for its long-term stability and reliability, making it a preferred choice for enterprise environments.
  • Security: Like Ubuntu, CentOS is highly secure, with regular updates and patches.
  • Package Manager: CentOS uses the yum package manager, which is similar to apt and makes it easy to manage software packages.
  • Community Support: CentOS has a large and active user community, with plenty of resources for troubleshooting and support.


According to W3Techs, as of April 2022, CentOS is the second most widely used Linux distribution on web servers, with a market share of 24%. This indicates that CentOS is a popular choice for server environments, thanks to its stability and reliability.


To summarize, here are some of the key differences between Ubuntu and CentOS:

  • Target Audience: Ubuntu is geared towards desktop users and developers, while CentOS is more suited for servers and enterprise environments.
  • Package Manager: Ubuntu uses apt, while CentOS uses yum. Both package managers are capable and easy to use.
  • Community Support: Both Ubuntu and CentOS have active communities, with plenty of resources and support available.

Ultimately, the choice between Ubuntu and CentOS depends on your specific needs as a developer. However, based on the statistics and key features, Ubuntu may be a better choice for developing web applications and desktop software, while CentOS is more geared towards server environments.


In conclusion, both Ubuntu and CentOS are great choices for software development, with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision and choose the right operating system for your project.

If you're still unsure which one to go for, why not try both and see which one works best for you? Happy coding!


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